Graduate Assistant Fellowships
Cal Poly has launched a program, funded by Student Success Fees, that awards fellowships for Graduate Assistant opportunities.
Program Goals
- Provide funded research, scholarship and creative activity opportunities that enable highly qualified students to enhance their academic experience at Cal Poly
- Support teacher-scholar model by enabling students to participate in faculty-led professionally and academically relevant projects that result in publications, conference presentations, and/or similar outcomes
- Provide an experience that deepens the mastery of the field of study through the Learn by Doing experience
- Fellowships are open to masters students in state-supported programs, regardless of documentation status
- Students must be in good academic standing with a 3.0 GPA or greater for all quarters they receive funds, and students must have completed a Working Formal Study Plan & Advancement to Candidacy the first quarter of enrollment.
- Students should be enrolled as a full-time graduate student (8 units) for each quarter of receiving funds
- BMS (Blended Master’s) students are not eligible until they have submitted their PBCO (Post Baccalaureate Change of Objective) form, thereby transitioning to graduate status
- Fellowships are limited to a maximum of three quarters in any one academic year, subject to academic standing, authentic progress toward academic goals and full participation in the learning experience
- Fellowships are a quarterly award distributed through Financial Aid, that are designed to enable graduate students to participate in roughly 8 hours a week in fellowship activities
- Certificate and Credential Programs are not eligible
Apply for Graduate Assistant Fellowship
Application Deadline
All applications are due Thursday, May 1st. Any applications posted after May 1st may be considered based on funding availability.