Graduate Education
Welcome to Cal Poly Graduate Education
We support students to achieve excellence in both practice-oriented and research-based professional graduate programs that develop the advanced knowledge and leadership skills necessary to contribute to and prosper in an increasingly competitive global context. We work to inspire students to innovate and excel in their educational and professional career objectives.
Cal Poly Graduate Education strives to create an inclusive and welcoming environment that values, respects, and empowers all of our graduate students, faculty, and staff. We commit to our collective and individual responsibility to create communities that are just, equitable, and promote human dignity. It is through embracing and celebrating our diverse communities, backgrounds, and goals that we can build a campus, region, California, and world where everyone can thrive.
Prospective Graduate Students
Learn about our Graduate programs, application process and more

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Important Dates, Deadlines and Events
Orfalea College of Business Events
CAFES Research Seminar Series
Zoom Meeting ID: 892 1591 0607
In Person: Bldg. 10, Rm 100
"Forest as a Natural Climate Solution - Trends in the Forest Carbon Offset Market in the United States," Lilli Karrakka, Assistant Professor, Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA
"Leveraging SNAP to Improve Food Security, Health and Academic Outcomes in Higher Education," Aydin Nazmi, Associate Professor, Food Science and Nutrition, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA
"Exploring Broiler Chicken Welfare in Conventional Markets," Katy Tarrant, Associate Professor, Animal Science and Agricultural Education, Fresno State, CA
"Evolution in Biological Control," Marianna Szucs, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, Michigan State University
"Managing Spotted-Wing Drosophila on Fruit Wastes," Matt Grieshop, Director, Grimm Center for Organic Production and Research, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA
"Breeding Lettuce for Improved Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency," David Still, Professor, Plant Science, Executive Director of the ARI, Cal Poly, Pomona, CA
"Tales from the Trenches of the Trade War: How to Turn Win-Win into Lose Lose," Bryan Lohmar, Agribusiness, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA
"Artificial Intelligence and Agriculture at Cal Poly," Franz Kurfess, Professor Computer Science and Software Engineering, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA
* Zoom only

Graduate Recognition
Graduate Education acknowledges and congratulates our award winning graduate students, outstanding graduates, their achievements and academic excellence.
Graduate RecognitionCurrent Graduate Students
Learn about orientation, forms, and other resources