Cal Poly Master's Degree Programs
MA History
The M.A. in History is tailored to students who want to pursue careers in public history, education, museums, and local or state government. The 2-year program takes students deeper into particular cultures and eras while honing their skills in historical research and analysis. The program develops students' critical thinking and their understanding of the rich diversity of human experience. Graduate seminars include topics on American, European, Latin American, Asian, Middle Eastern and Comparative history. To finish their master�s degree at Cal Poly, students undertake either original historical research, by writing a thesis, or deepen their expertise in two historical fields of their choice, through the comprehensive exams option. Graduates find employment in secondary education, community college instruction, doctoral programs, public history and research positions in private companies.

Contact Information
- Thanayi Jackson
- 805-756-2672
- Learn More about MA History
- College of Liberal Arts
- 805-756-2359
- Visit College of Liberal Arts
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